The Manchester Family Arts Network
The Manchester Family Arts Network is over 15 organisations producing fun, creative high quality fun family events and community partnerships across our city. Many organisations have different audiences meaning family programming isn’t always the only priority, so the network provides a beneficial way to emphasise their family offer.

We have worked as a network for 6 years and now with more non-arts partnerships and more community groups.

Across the 15 organisations in the network we have social housing, adoption services and food bank organisations who we partner with to reach new audiences. We are made of museums, art galleries, theatres and have educational too providing many venues and spaces where we can create a safe family friendly environment city wide.
Collaborative Work (COVID-19)
During COVID-19 the network worked together to create a series of art booklets in partnership with the Manchester South Central Foodbank to reach disadvantaged families with arts activities and materials over 18 months. This partnership has created a new mode of working together and a new audience to invite into our buildings and spaces.
Family Events
We have hosted family events in the heart of the city where over 1000 people engage with our venues and creative offers as well as meeting new families and developing social bonds through many artforms. Our events are inclusive for families from babes in arms to teenagers, as well as older audiences, always tailored to the multi-cultural audience Manchester upholds.
The MFAN has a public facing identity called “ Manchester Family Fun” through which we can take our friendly fun and inclusive identity and speak to the outside world.

Yemi Bolatiwa is the Family Arts Ambassador for Manchester and is based at Z-arts.
The Manchester Network is part of the Family Arts Network Ambassador Programme. Find out more about the Ambassadors and the Programme.
Organisations in the Manchester network:
Would your organisation like to join this Network?
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